The Try-A-Tryout event is open to current GGHA players who
are part of a Guelph roster for the
2024-2025 season and will be eligible to
play in the following age groups for the 2025-2026 season:
U9 B –
born in 2017-2018
A/B –
born in 2015-2016
born in 2013-2014
Click here to
Players going into U9 – April 4th @ 7:00 pm – Exhibition Arena
Players going into U11 and U13 – April 4th @ 8:00 pm – Exhibition
This event is designed for players who are considering or
planning to try out for a rep team and want to experience what a tryout is
like. Coaches will guide players through various stations and drills,
simulating a real tryout environment so that they feel comfortable and know
exactly what to expect.