Looking for the Tournament Headquarters in each arena?
West End Rec Centre – The Tournament headquarters is in the Lion's Lair, just inside the doors to Arena 1. The room will also contain a small concession stand and will be the drop-off for FoodBank donations. Remember to park in the far lot, past the arena doors on the west side of the Centre.
University of Guelph (Red & Gold Rinks) - The Tournament office is in Dressing Room #5, which is between both rinks, just inside the glass rink doors. The Tim's in the lobby will be open most of the tournament and accepts only debit or credit cards (no cash or gift cards).
Victoria Road Rec Centre – The arena is accessed via the Centre doors farthest from the parking lot. The Tournament office is in Dressing Room 2, to your right once you go into the arena.
Exhibition Park Arena – The tournament office is in the West lobby (closest to the baseball diamond).
Centennial Arena – The office is in the concession stand in the lobby (sorry, no food there).