Sleeman Centre Parking, News, Guelph Girls Winter Classic Tournament, 2016-2017 (Guelph Girls Hockey Association)

This Tournament is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 07, 2016 | Sandra Pitts | 1131 views
Sleeman Centre Parking
The Sleeman Centre is located at 50 Woolwich Street in downtown Guelph.

Players may be dropped off in front of the Sleeman Centre and enter via Gate 1.
There are several parking options.

East Parkade, 146 Macdonell Street:
There are a few Pay & Display spots outside of the parkade structure ($2/hr).
Flat rate $5 Special Event parking payable upon each entry (Friday – rooftop only, Saturday – whole parkade).
Access the Sleeman Centre from East Parkade Level 2; this entrance is very close to the dressing rooms and registration desk.

West Parkade, 110 Macdonell
Pay by the hour when exiting ($2/hr).
Access the Sleeman Centre dressing rooms and registration desk via the ground floor of the attached Old Quebec Street Mall. Go down the hallway opposite Rexall Pharmacy and past the Sports Hall of Fame portraits.

There is some free 2-hour on-street parking in the vicinity but the number of spots and their availability are very limited.